I am VOA.
When my wife Donna said she was going to start volunteering at the Everett Food Bank last year, I told her to sign me up as well.
I am known as the meat man. Every morning and all day long, I sort and bag meat to be given out to clients. Also, before I leave for the day, I make sure the bins are washed.
I was born and raised in Silver Lake, South Everett. I started working on the docks in the 60’s and did so for 45 years. After retiring at 62, I started joining my wife Donna at the volunteer jobs that she took on. It feels good to do something for others.
I don’t like sitting around. It is how I was raised. At a young age, I started working at my Dad's store. He raised me to help people who couldn’t help themselves.
I volunteer at golf tournaments, youth football and most recently at our local little league t-ball.
It is wonderful to be at the Everett Food Bank helping out. I logged just over 700 hours last year and don’t see why I can’t do the same this year. My hours spent there are truly fulfilling and I am happy to be there with my wife Donna.
Ron Thornberry's story appears as part of our #IAmVOA campaign.